Destructie & Constructie



The hidden corner of my flower garden. 60x80cm Acrylic on canvas Private Collection

Doris witnesses her partner's rapture, moments before the Apocalypse. 60x80cm Acrylic on Canvas

At some point in the Paleozoic Era, the first flower burst. 60x80cm. Acrylic on canvas

It was winter when the Deep Space extinction event had arrived 50 X 60 cm Acrylic on canvas

At sunset, the ashes of the Tonga volcano are enchanted by the melting waters of Lake Baikal Private Collection

Title: Dante, anxious for his journey, waits for Virgil at the gates of Limbo 90 X 70 cm Acrylic on canvas Private Collection

On a day of blue sky, the Great Komodo Dragon visits Prometheus on Mount Caucasus, 100x80cm, Acrylic on canvas

In the Cave of Times Perseus struggles Medusa, 90x70cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private Collection

The Monocerus the Sad Man and The Hungre Cat who hunt the small bug. 50 X 60 cm Acrylic on canvas

The exact moment when Zeus realizes that the Fire of the Gods was stolenfron the Olympus, 70x90cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private collection

Berenice, Christus and the Carnival. 100 X 80 cm Acrylic on canvas

In Heaven, Sebastian recalls the precise moment of his call. 165 X 80 cm Acrylic on canvas

Icarus, purple of shame, fall from the skies, 50x70cm, Acrylic on canvas. Pivate Collection

Athens dressed up as Harlequin takes from Hades Gargarin and Laika, to meet their favorite defeated Giant Enceladus. 40 X 50 cm Acrylic on canvas

On the East side of the Nile 24 x 56cm Acrylic on Canvas Private Collection

Hipocampus, 90x130cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private Collection

The Rat that I saw! And the Rat that my friend saw on a Pink background, 90x130cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private Collection Holland

Jesus is crucified again, 80x140cm, Acrylic on canvas

Rex plays with Cheshire's Cat on a Field of Red Roses, 50x60cm, Acrylic on canvas, Private collection, Brazil

The Exact Moment when God Created the Green Moss , 40x50, Acrylic on canvas. Private Collection, Belgium

The Hare, the Squirrel, and the jump of the Bad Cat in the Threshold of Hell, 30x80cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private collection Brazil

Cat jumping at the neck of the Goat in a Deep Blue Ocean, 24x30cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private collection

Ariranha Hick dip in a Field of Sunflowers, 24x30cm, Acrylic on canvas. Private Collection

Destruction & Construction I 24x30cm Acrylic on canvas. Private collection

Jesus, 20x30cm, Acrylic on canvas, Private collection

Destruction & Construction XXV 30X40cm Acrylic on paper. Private Collection

Destruction & Construction XXVI 30X80cm Acrylic on canvas. Private Collection

Private collection

Destruction & Construction II 20X40cm Acrylic on canvas. Private collection Brazil

Destruction & Construction III 20X40cm Acrylic on canvas

Destruction & Construction IV 20X40cm Acrylic on canvas, Private collection

Destruction & Construction V 24X30cm Acrylic on canvas, Private collection

Destruction & Construction VI 24X30cm Acrylic on canvas. Private collection Brzil

Destruction & Construction VII 24X30cm Acrylic on canvas.Private collection